A collection of books written to comfort, inspire and educate.

Sandy Kamen Wisniewski is the founder and director of Animal Education and Rescue, a foster-based humane society in Lake County, Illinois. She launched her first business, Pet Sitters of America, in 1987, and went on to become a dog trainer and a licensed humane investigator for the state of Illinois.

Sandy has been writing for most of her life and has published five nonfiction books. She is always working on her next project, so check back soon!

All proceeds go to Animal Education and Rescue, a humane society for animals.

Flower, Her Buds and a Special Little Blossom

Flower, Her Buds and a Special Little Blossom

Meet Flower, a vivacious rescue dog, her litter of feisty, enthusiastic puppies and one very special two-legged dog named Blossom. Meet a cast of people making positive changes in their lives and the world. Be inspired with sage advice through the author’s ability to weave a compelling story layered with challenges and triumphs. This is the feel-good story—the author’s mission…to bring love, joy, education and inspiration around the world.

A Dog Named Walter

A Dog Named Walter

One Woman’s Story of Growth, Searching for a Runaway Dog

In this heartwarming story, Sandy Kamen Wisniewski chronicles her experiences in tracking and attempting to trap an elusive dog named Walter who ran way from his new home on the night he was adopted. A 200-acre forest preserve and the polar vortex of 2019 presented numerous challenges for Sandy and her search and rescue team.

A Dog Named Walter shares the many lessons Sandy learned along the way and in the months following the dramatic search for Walter. It is one woman’s story of growth in the face of environmental and social challenges. It is an inspiring tale of the coming together of hundreds of people, in person and virtually, for a common cause—getting Walter home.

The Animal Warrior

The Animal Warrior

The story of Animal Education and Rescue, the pets rescued and the programs that touched people’s lives is written about through the eyes of the founder and director of AEAR, Sandy Kamen Wisniewski. Stories from the heart, carrying the reader through the journey of creating a one-of-a-kind humane society.

This unforgettable story is a must read. The book is available to purchase online using the link below or at Care Animal Hospital 1101 W. Park Avenue in Libertyville, Illinois.

You Are My Sunshine

You are My Sunshine

Bear, a ten-year-old German Shepherd mix, found herself homeless and in a animal control facility when her owners could no longer take care of her. But life has a way of giving you what you need if you just trust in it and for Bear life was about to get much better.

Join Animal Warrior, Sandy Kamen Wisniewski, as she tells the story of how one old dog came into her life and stole her heart.

This is the true story of a love that blossoms between a humane society director and her senior foster dog. Sandy takes the reader on her journey from when she first meets Bear, to the life lessons she learned from Bear that helped her to grow stronger and wiser.

This story may be short in length but it is long in the power of love between one old dog and one woman…come along for the ride, it’ll warm your heart.


You Are My Sunshine


This was a wonderfully heartfelt book and a lovely tribute to a very special bond of human and dog. I started reading it the moment it was delivered and literally read it through tears of joy.

I would recommend this to anyone who has ever felt a special bond with a companion animal.

Jack W
The Animal Warrior
The Animal Warrior


A can’t put it down, don’t want it to end kind of book. Laugh out loud funny, sad, but happy endings too. A great read.

Sandy R.


A Dog Named Walter
This book is a great read on true friendship and who really has your back. A story of so much love for a dog no matter the pain or danger the love for an animal comes first. The writer of this book is truly amazing.

A can’t put it down, don’t want it to end kind of book. Laugh out loud funny, sad, but happy endings too. A great read.

Reana S.


Flower, Her Buds and a Special Little Blossom


From the minute I received it in the post at 9am I couldn’t put it down. I was going to skim over the first few lines and 5.5 hrs later had read the whole book in one go. I loved it. Having followed the story of Flower from the beginning it was great to get insight into how Sandy felt and coped after it was discovered Blossom had no front legs. It did not disappoint.

Sue D.