Educational Programs

Animal Education and Rescue provides a wide range of educational programs for schools, clubs, libraries and more.  We can either customize an educational program for you or you can choose a program from the list below.  Our programs typically last 45 minutes to an hour but we can customize the program based on your needs and wants.

We do ask for a donation in exchange for doing the program. We ask for a minimum of $250.00 for a one-hour program.  This can either be a monetary donation or equivalent to that amount in items from our wish list.  Unfortunately we do not have funding for programs in our budget but believe they are very important to the welfare of people and animals.  If you are interested in a program but unable to make a donation we can certainly see if we can get sponsorship for the program.

We also offer different seminars throughout the year that are open to the public. 

Those programs are:

  • The Saving Stanley Bite Prevention Program
  • Dogs 101, All you Want to Know About Dogs
  • The Laws That Protect Animals In The State of Illinois

(Any of those programs can be offered to corporations, businesses, as well as police departments.)

Meet the Pets

Kids would meet an assortment of animals from dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc.  (It will vary based on the animals currently in our care.)  We will show the children the animals and explain how to take care of them. We would talk about the supplies that are needed to have for the animal.  This is a great program to introduce kids to a variety of potential pets and the pro’s and con’s of owning them.

The Saving Stanley Bite Prevention Program

This program begins with a short video.

Then we explain to the children how to:

  1. Properly approach a dog.
  2. Pet a dog.

What children should do when:

  1. Feeding a dog
  2. Bathing a dog
  3. Coming across a stray dog
  4. Visiting relatives’ dogs

What adults will learn:

  1. What should adults do/not do to prevent dog bites
  2. Do’s and don’t with family dogs
  3. And more

Shelters, Rescues and Humane Societies, what are they and how do they typically function.

This program can be geared towards any age group.  Discussion will be based on the age of the audience.  This could be for schools, clubs or adult groups. During this program kids will learn the differences between a shelter, rescue and humane society.  They’ll learn about what it costs to run a shelter (in general terms).  What’s involved and costs in running a rescue organization.

The kids will learn terms like: foster homes, no kill (age appropriate), declawing cats, medical care, spaying and neutering.  Finally, the founder/director will tell her story about why she started Animal Education and Rescue.

Animal Stories

This program can be geared towards any age group from small child to adult.  We would share stories that are appropriate for the age group.

Stories such as:

  • The duck that loved me
  • Running from pigs
  • A man who loves baseball
  • Rabbits as pet therapy
  • Saving Summer
  • Saving Stanley
  • And many, many more

All the true stories will be inspirational and educational.

Dog Body Language

This program is geared towards pre-school through second grade kids.  The kids will learn a dog’s body language.  During this interactive program the children will get to “be a dog” and communicate what they want or need as a dog. Such as a happy dog, a scared dog and an angry dog.  The kids will learn things like staying away from a dog when they are eating and how to properly pet a dog. This is a great interactive, fun program that teaches kids how to know what a dog wants and needs.

If you are interested in any educational program or class for your school, club or business please contact us to discuss the options and details.

Donations are tax-deductible